Hi all I would like to ask for a review of the attached patch that resolves an issue with org-open-at-point. When opening a link to another Org file not yet opened (first close it if opened) before this patch: 1) When point is on the line with the link and the line is not a heading then the target file is opened with the target file startup view state, e. g. the default OVERVIEW. 2) When point is on the heading of the entry of which the link is part of then the target file is opened with "SHOW ALL". But it is expected to regard the target file startup view state like case 1). Note: Only in case 2) `org-open-at-point' uses `org-offer-links-in-entry' and from there `org-open-link-from-string'. example current buffer with link: #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* section , [[file:myfile.org::*mytarget]] #+END_SRC example target file myfile.org: #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* mytarget , text ,*** subsection #+END_SRC Michael