Hi all On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 7:58 AM Michael Brand wrote: > , (arbitrarily more levels upwards) > , * [...] > , * > , * > , * TODO > , * :5: > , - The tag 5 is my rating of this audio recording. > , - The audio recording is stored under the file path > , [...]/////.mp3 > , > , * TODO [...] > , - The theme is very similar to this prelude > , [[/://]]. > , * [...] > , - [...] like in this piano concert > , [[/:/]]. Despite all the valuable recommendations in this thread I implemented something simple for my very specific use case of a music database where I want self-explaining links with the already existing and complete heading structure and don't want to add any ID, CUSTOM_ID or <>. See this example: #+begin_src org ,#+STARTUP: oddeven showeverything Specs for outline path of links to a heading, any combinations allowed including none: - "/" delimits headings of adjacent levels. - A leading "/" requires matching the top level heading. - "//" delimits heading levels with 0 to n discarded heading levels between them. Demo examples: - Goes to tag 1: [[*Chopin/Prelude]] - Goes to tag 2: [[*/Prelude]] - Goes to tag 3: [[*d/c//b/a]] - Goes to tag 4: [[*d/c/b/a]] ,* Foo ,** Bach ,*** Prelude ,** Chopin ,*** Prelude :1: ,* Prelude :2: ,* d ,** c ,*** Bar ,**** Baz ,***** b ,****** a :3: ,*** b ,**** a :4: #+end_src Limitations of this simplified implementation: - Export of links with a path to a heading is not supported. - Links to a heading with "/" that existed before are broken. - There may be other issues for your use case already discussed in the current thread ( http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2018-03/msg00231.html ). Due to the limitations this implementation is for private use only and not meant to be commited upstream although the format of the attached patches might imply that. Michael