I am using org-mode to write some article now. Org-mode is really a great tool to outline a article with great table and image support. Org-mode can display inline .png image but not .pdf file. Because now org-mode can not control the width or height of shown inline image, so i use matplotlib to produce low dpi .png image in PNG folder for inline display and higher dpi pdf image in PDF folder for finally article export. In .org file, the image link is like [[file:PNG\*.png]] and \includegraphics{PNG\*.png}in the produced .tex file. Then emacs will use org-latex-pdf-process to render it to pdf file. What I want is that before or in org-latex-pdf-process, a regexp replace function is added to replace the \includegraphics{PDF\*.pdf}, and then produce the final pdf file. Can anyone give a hand?