Sorry about that, I agree I should know better. Here is the Backtrace that I got, Cheers, M Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function bibtex-beginning-of-entry) bibtex-beginning-of-entry() org-bibtex-read() org-bibtex-yank() call-interactively(org-bibtex-yank record nil) command-execute(org-bibtex-yank record) (progn (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg) (setq this-command chosen-item) (command-execute chosen-item (quote record))) (unwind-protect (progn (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg) (setq this-command chosen-item) (command-execute chosen-item (quote record))) (smex-rank chosen-item) (smex-show-key-advice chosen-item) (run-at-time 0.01 nil (function (lambda (cmd) (setq last-repeatable-command cmd))) chosen-item)) (if smex-custom-action (let ((action smex-custom-action)) (setq smex-custom-action nil) (funcall action chosen-item)) (unwind-protect (progn (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg) (setq this-command chosen-item) (command-execute chosen-item (quote record))) (smex-rank chosen-item) (smex-show-key-advice chosen-item) (run-at-time 0.01 nil (function (lambda (cmd) (setq last-repeatable-command cmd))) chosen-item))) (let ((chosen-item (intern (smex-completing-read commands initial-input)))) (if smex-custom-action (let ((action smex-custom-action)) (setq smex-custom-action nil) (funcall action chosen-item)) (unwind-protect (progn (setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg) (setq this-command chosen-item) (command-execute chosen-item (quote record))) (smex-rank chosen-item) (smex-show-key-advice chosen-item) (run-at-time 0.01 nil (function (lambda (cmd) (setq last-repeatable-command cmd))) chosen-item)))) smex-read-and-run(("toggle-debug-on-error" "org-mode" "org-capture" "global-hl-line-mode" "load-file" "hl-sentence-mode" "text-scale-increase" "org-bibtex-yank" "gtd" "org-bibtex-read" "org-bibtex-search" "marv:toggle-line-spacing" "dnotes" "org-bibtex" "org-mobile-push" "notes" "print-buffer" "ps-print-buffer" "org-bibtex-create" "org-insert-drawer" "org-mode-reftex-search" "org-beamer-export-to-pdf" "org-beamer-export-as-latex" "org-bibtex-import-from-file" "org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring" "a" "cd" "5x5" "any" "arp" "dbx" "dig" "erc" "ert" "esv" "ftp" "gdb" "irc" "jdb" "man" "mpc" "pdb" "pwd" "rsh" "sdb" "xdb" "yow" "calc" "diff" "dirs" ...)) (if (smex-already-running) (smex-update-and-rerun) (and smex-auto-update (smex-detect-new-commands) (smex-update)) (smex-read-and-run smex-ido-cache)) smex() call-interactively(smex nil nil) On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Jambunathan K wrote: > Marvin Doyley writes: > > > Symbol's function definition is void: bibtex-beginning-of-entry > > Whenever you get an error, do > > M-x toggle-debug-on-error > > and post the *Backtrace* buffer. > > I am still surprised why (even) regulars in this list fail to do it. >