Hi Nicolas Ok, that makes sense, then. Probably there are other users who indeed will rely on clocking in non-agenda files. The thing which made it hard for me to identify the initial problem was that the test CLOCK lines I had in the testing file where placed there without a heading. When later in the day I wanted to clock in to my tasks, I then just ended up with a "outline-back-to-heading: before first heading" error, but with no indicator which of my ~60 open org files was the culprit. Maybe one could insert the file location in that error message? Since org is so extremely useful, and I almost spend 80% of my day in org files (also some of my collaborators are beginning to use it... it is viral), I often have >50 files with all kinds of purposes open: agenda, various notes, beamer, html-exports, wiki-authoring, project-organization, bookkeeping... the thing is just too useful. So, I think clashes between the many uses of org files probably are natural. This being emacs :-) I just decided to advise org-resolve-clocks. (defun dfeich/org-resolve-clocks (orig-function &optional only-dangling-p prompt-fn last-valid) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'org-files-list) 'org-agenda-files)) (apply orig-function only-dangling-p prompt-fn last-valid))) (advice-add #'org-resolve-clocks :around #'dfeich/org-resolve-clocks) Thanks for maintaining and developing an environment which made my time in front of the keyboard so much more efficient. Derek On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote: > Hello, > > Derek Feichtinger writes: > > > org-resolve-clock loops over all open org buffers for detecting open > > clocks (using function org-files-list). Is this really intended? I think > > it should just loop over the org-agenda-files. > > > > I was working on an extension for clocking and was recording my testing > > results > > into a separate org file. I also had put there examples of > > various clock lines to test regexps against. The example clock lines > > effectively prevented me from clocking in to a task from my normal > > agenda files. > > > > Since org has so many usages, I think it should not be assumed that each > > org buffer is related to the agenda functionality. > > Clocking is not just an agenda functionality. Since every Org document > can contain clocks, it makes sense to use `org-files-list' instead of > `org-agenda-files'. > > You could test your extension in a dedicated Emacs process, with > `org-agenda-files' being nil and Org documents opened piece-wise. > > > Regards, > > -- > Nicolas Goaziou >