I'm trying to figure out a way to hotkey bringing up a minibuffer in ivy/ivy-rich much as I would with say `C-x b/k` for switching/killing buffers, but allowing me to filter down to a contact and then, when selected, have that put a `C-c l` link into a document for them.

Is there any way to do this? org-contacts documentation is light and while there is a search function in there, having trouble bending it as much as I'd like to my will (see previous message about a week's notice on birthdays/anniversaries) though I like the fact it's nice and lightweight and seems to do most of what I want within the workflow I've sort of created for myself ( https://daryl.wakatara.com/a-better-gtd-and-crm-flow-for-emacs-org-mode )

Anyone have any idea or tips on how they've handled that?