I try to add an idle timer to auto refresh org agenda views. Here is what I code: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;;; auto refresh `*Org Agenda*' buffer (defun my/org-agenda-auto-refresh () "Rebuild all agenda views buffers." (org-agenda-redo-all t)) (run-with-idle-timer (* 60 20) t #'my/org-agenda-auto-refresh) #+end_src But I got error: #+begin_example Error running timer ‘my/org-agenda-auto-refresh’: (error "‘recenter’ing a window that does not display current-buffer.") #+end_example I dive into source code of ~org-agenda-redo~ function. Found this error is caused by ~(recenter window-line)~. I'm thinking what about to separate this code out? So function ~org-agenda-redo~ can be used to non-interactive usage? [stardiviner] GPG key ID: 47C32433 IRC(freeenode): stardiviner Twitter: @numbchild Key fingerprint = 9BAA 92BC CDDD B9EF 3B36 CB99 B8C4 B8E5 47C3 2433 Blog: http://stardiviner.github.io/