Hi, I wanted to set a cron job for backing up all my org files as suggested by Suvayu Ali. #!/bin/bash mkdir -p ~/org/backup && \ find $HOME -type f -name '*\.org' ! -path "$HOME/org/backup/*" \ -exec cp -t ~/org/backup/ \{\} \; In Ubuntu I have put the bash file in cron.daily but it seems it is not working. A little googling says I need to give full path for directories. may I modify it like this ? I am not sure about the "find $HOME" part and guess rest of the paths are correct. #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/org/backup && \ find $HOME -type f -name '*\.org' ! -path "/home/USERNAME/org/backup/*" \ -exec cp -t /home/USERNAME/org/backup/ \{\} \; Can anybody confirm the correctness of this code? Thanks ----------------------------- *Sanjib Sikder *Ph.D. Fellow Chemical Engineering IIT Bombay* *