Suppose you want to use a program such as Sympy or Maxima to find the analytic solution of a complicated equation. After this you want to make use of that solution for numerical evaluation of various cases. Is it safe to use the analytic results (without using a session) in the following way, or is there a better way? #+NAME: analytic-sol #+BEGIN_SRC python :session none :results raw from sympy import symbols, sqrt, python, solve x, a = symbols("x, a") y = solve( x**2 + 2*a*x + 1, x) return python(y) #+END_SRC #+NAME: numeric-sol #+BEGIN_SRC python :session none from sympy import Symbol, sqrt, lambdify import numpy as np #+RESULTS: analytic-sol a = Symbol('a') e = [-a - sqrt(a**2 - 1), -a + sqrt(a**2 - 1)] f = lambdify(a, e[1], "numpy") t = np.r_[1:4] return f(t) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | -1 | -0.26794919 | -0.17157288 | Regards, Fede