I think this is best explained withe the actual use case. I have a template file for a custom capture, that looks like this: **** Daily Plan %T + [ ] The 3 most important tasks [/] - [ ] %^{1st Priority} - [ ] %^{2nd Priority} - [ ] %^{3rd Priority} I would like it to look like this (but functional) **** Daily Plan %T + [ ] The 3 most important tasks [/] - [ ] %^{1st Priority} - [ ] %^{2nd Priority} - [ ] %^{3rd Priority} + [ ] Ongoing Things - ( code to find any headlines tagged with :ongoing: ) I see from the template expansion page that I can put %(sexp) into a template, but I have no idea what that code should look like. I'm assuming an agenda search would be the most efficient? Any suggestions on how this could be done? Cheers, -- Steen