Thanks, Torsten. Very illuminating.

The org-syntax.html says of blocks:


NAME can contain any non-whitespace character.
PARAMETERS can contain any character other than new line, and can be omitted.
If NAME is “CENTER”, it will be a “center block”. If it is “QUOTE”, it will be a “quote block”.
If the block is neither a center block, a quote block or a block element, it will be a “special block”.

That does not seem to be quite true as lisp/org-element.el recognises the following blocks (perlregexp: /begin_(\w+)/i):


... in addition to any other valid block names. For these, the content is displayed as plain text after striping the BEGIN/END lines unless the exporter used has code for handling it differently.

Note: org-syntax.html  needs updating.

So, to implement parameters for the EXAMPLE block, relevant code has to be added to the exporter. That's a nontrivial task to do consistently.

Incidentally, the solution to my immediate problem is the COMMENT block. Its contents are completely ignored and not passed to exporters. If I find myself using that a lot, a macro or a a function to toggle between these two might come handy:

 text in a  block


 text in a  block

Unless someone beats me to it, I'll write it one day. :)


Heikki Lehvaslaiho - skype:heikki_lehvaslaiho
cell: +966 545 595 849  office: +966 12 808 2429

Saudi Arabian weekend is now Friday and Saturday.

KAUST Supercomputing Center, Building #1, Level 0, 0203-WS23
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On 1 April 2014 13:10, Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:
Heikki Lehvaslaiho <> writes:

> I am using example blocks as inline notes where I paste snippets of
> (pre-formatted) text. I'd like to be able to control the exporting of
> those block individually (per document would also be useful). I do not
> seem to be able to find documentation about anything along those
> lines.
> Here is a mock-up:
> #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE :exports none
> private notes...

I don't think example blocks take arguments. You might try

#+BEGIN_SRC org :exports none
 private notes...

or collect these example blocks in subtrees with export tags/properties.

> A bigger question is that while code blocks are well defined and well
> documented, all other blocks are not. Is there somewhere a design
> document the would give a logic of having different blocks and how
> they are controlled? Maybe there is an other type of a block that does
> what I want?
> The inline documentation in ox*.el files is too low level to be
> helpful.

AFAIK export of these block types is backend specific, e.g. ox-ascii.el
might treat example block different than ox-html.el, so thats where to

| C-h v org-export-with- TAB

gives some hints too. Using drawers instead of example blocks would
enable you to toggle export documentwise.

I asked a similar 'bigger' question before, and remember that the answer
was more or less 'the block name says it all'.

However, here is a (dense) description of the org syntax:

