Dear folks,

The attached patch includes a change for adding a custom variable to easily extend link grabbing capabilities for masOS user. When someone wants to add an additional menu to call an external application, it will be possible by adding a setting to the proposed variable as follows:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-mac-link-descriptors
               `("P" "apers" org-mac-papers-insert-frontmost-paper-link ,org-mac-grab-Papers-app-p) t)

This example intends to handle, not freeware[*1], in macOS. If `org-mac-papers-insert-frontmost-paper-link' and `mac-grab-Papers-app-p' are implemented by user correctly, an appropriate link will be inserted into an org buffer. I don't want put such codes to `org-mac-link.el' directly to avoid unnecessary increase of file size. This scenario can be applied to other applications.

The inserted link can be opened by `C-c C-o' if the corresponding link type is configured by `org-link-set-parameters' like the following. 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
       :follow (lambda (path)
                 (let ((cmd (concat "open papers3:" path)))
                   (shell-command-to-string cmd)
                   (message "%s" cmd))))

* contrib/lisp/org-mac-link.el: Add a custom list for link descriptors

`org-mac-link-descriptors' is added to extend link grabbing capabilities.

Modified from a patch proposal by Takaaki Ishikawa.

Kind regards,


Takaaki ISHIKAWA <>