Thanks for the warm welcome and the amount of inputs and details that everybody so fast provides. I'm really impressed by this community. Ok seems that delivering a language specification in EBNF has some challenges that can hardly be addressed due to the nature of org-mode design, but I read around that often EBNF is not the silver bullet to solve a grammar representation although it is a de-facto standard. So I will try to put some orders in my thoughts, when I look at functionalities of org-mode I will split them in the following categories: - Grammar Specification - Metadata - TODO - Code Block - Tangling (or waving for the web people) - Properties of the file - Templating - Block Execution - Environment (Global variables such as PATH) - Language - Context for arguments - Publishing Functions - Target Format - Custom Parser I share a lot with of your ideas and inputs, here some observations and options that I noticed: - Indeed emacs is not that big and could run as a background process to deliver org-mode features to other systems. I do something very similar to *TEC* for my CI/CD and my static generated website, but I'm not sure I would run emacs as a web service. - LSP doesn't mention org-mode as available language, but it does for markdown maybe because org-mode is not a language? - I share the sentiment that some api are a bit obscure and most important there isn't for instance an official way to say "this is how you create extensions in org". - I found that multiple people are already converting org-mode into json by using org*-map-entries *which indeed is not very publicly shown (I miss something like "this is how you create extensions in org"). - I relate a lot to the issues that *Tom Gillespie* discusses in his post ( about tangling and executions and I loved to see your efforts in trying to solving them. - Since gccemacs elisp could compile to C (not sure this is relevant, but can be investigated if there are opportunities to be capable to have org-mode embendable). For my personal needs I think I would pragmatically start toying around with a org-mode to json like here And once I gain some confidence on the output JSON, I think I will gain more confidence about the grammar definition. I think that converting org-mode to JSON could show org-mode as an Abstract Syntax Tree, I think from there it should be easier to create a specification and maybe is what already *orgajs * already did. I believe creating functions like tangle and execution shouldn't be that trivial from an AST. Concluding, there is overlap between the Interfaces of LSP and org-mode which makes a lot of sense since both target the interaction for with a document eg: - Propose actions, these can be: - Execute - Tangle - Change state TODO - Insert date, tag, etc... - Go to definition (For linking sections) - Support multi language in the same document This makes me think that creating an org-mode LSP is not that crazy idea after all, what do you think? If you would build an LSP for org-mode which setup would you choose? What do you think would be hard to implement? Again many thanks 🙏 Mauro.