I am using org to write a document correcting some of my students' more common LaTeX blunders, and I keep running into places where I am not able to insert a footnote ("Cannot insert a footnote here."). Some of these problems I am unable to reproduce consistently, but I think it usually occurs when a paragraph (or list item) contains verbatim or code text with a backslash (\), and only after the verbatim text. Here is one such example. Create an .org file with the following three "paragraphs" (including the two blank likes): Blah, blah, blah. Woof, woof, =\begin{document}=, woof. Cry, cry, cry. If you're me, then you can insert a footnote after any word or punctuation in the first and third paragraphs, and after the first two words and the first comma in the second paragraph, but nowhere past the second comma in the second paragraph. I'm running the latest org (7.7) from the git repository in GNU emacs 23.1.1. As long as I'm here, I'll mention one more buglet, or maybe it's a question: how can I get something like =\LaTeX\ = to be formatted correctly? I'd like the second backslash (and maybe the space as well) to be visible as verbatim text.