This might be going the opposite direction, but I worked on a way to make it easier to digest the output of Python in elisp, in these two posts:

These days I would probably try serializing via json. it is easy to read and write in most languages.


Professor John Kitchin 
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:55 PM Garreau, Alexandre <> wrote:
Would it be useful to begin integrating into babel functions so to
serialize lisp objects (just as prin1-to-string) in other languages?

I’ve read some babel files trying to do that, independently of each
others (that’s a lot of similar `typecase's (seeing it I’m regretting
each type-spec in it can’t be a list of types) …when authors even think
about using typecase instead of just `cond' or `if's): for instance
Fortran, so that to declare variables given as arguments to its source
blocks. imho, that may be of some use for other languages.

It may be useful as well for stuff outside of org-mode: e.g. iirc Pymacs
serialize/deserialize (read and print (and also eval, but not loop x)))
to allow the gateway between elisp and python and making each one
libraries available to the other.  That must be (really partially)
redundant with python babel.  And so on.

I don’t know well-enough enough languages to begin doing it right away,
and I might try to do only for scheme, ocaml and C then, so just
throwing the idea here.

Moreafter: deserialization might come handy as well, as if trying to
factorize between serialization and deserialization, this might as well
some sort of lower grammar or anyway easier to read, extend and debug
form of specifying the translation.  And then when a source block
outputs results, having a deserialization function might help to get
consistent output which then may be processed to make, for instance,
org-tables (though I know currently to do this it’s pretty imperative
and edition-oriented, rather than functional like this approach does