Can you do something like:

#+BEGIN_SRC some-lang :results output org drawer :file (make-temp-file "prefix-")


Professor John Kitchin 
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 9:15 AM, Karl Voit <> wrote:
Hi, I sometimes wonder if there is something like mktemp[1] in
org-mode as, e.g., a built-in macro.

For example, PlantUML in orgmode[2] requires a file header argument to
write the image output to: ":file myoutput.svg"

In most cases, I really don't care about the output file and its
location. I just want to see it in my org-mode buffer and in various
output formats like PDF or HTML.

When I don't want to trash my org folder, I have to use ":file
/tmp/tmp.svg". The downside of it is, that this only works for
non-Windows systems because there is no "/tmp" on Windows.

Therefore, it would be cool to have something like {{{tmpfile}}} that
I could use in :file {{{tmpfile}}}

However, there is still an issue with this approach: what if I need
multiple separate {{{tmpfile}}} for, e.g., multiple PlantUML blocks
that are within the same heading and therefore get exported at once?

And: as a consequence, it would require {{{tmpdir}}} as well.


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