Are there any ways to selectively tangle blocks?

By that I mean suppose there are a dozen src blocks in a file, but I want to selectively tangle only a few of them, selecting them by a tag, for example, or some other property. These might have mixed languages, e.g. a config files, a python script, and a makefile.

The use case here is I have an org document that I use to document a simulation. The simulation has several config files, and a makefile, and there is a python script that does analysis. I like to put all of these in src blocks and then use a sh block to run the actual simulation command. I usually put a :var a=(org-babel-tangle) header in the sh block, which makes sure the files are tangled, and then runs the shell commands. But this tangles all the files in the buffer, which is usually not what I want (there are sometimes multiple simulations described in one file).  The blocks are not always in one subtree, so it isn't a matter of just narrowing, and they are mixed languages (text, make, python, etc.) and target files so I can't just target one file.

The only mechanism for this i have come up with is to use org-babel-map-src-blocks to run a check on each block to see if it matches my tangle criteria and then run (org-babel-tangle t) on that block. This seems to work fine, but I thought I would check if anyone else has a better solution.


Professor John Kitchin 
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213