you can put some kind of prefix on like this:

* intro to a section
  :ID:       intro-to-a:0f141497-f3ad-488a-b8c9-0a5c3ea53ba0

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun get-my-id ()
  "create an org-id with prefix based on headline"
  (let ((s))
    (setq s
       " " "-"
       (nth 4 (org-heading-components))))
      (if (> (length s) 10) 10
    (length s))))))


: intro-to-a:0f141497-f3ad-488a-b8c9-0a5c3ea53ba0


John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Ken Mankoff <> wrote:

Yes that is a fairly simple and obvious solution.


On Sun, 2 Feb 2014, Daniel Clemente wrote:

Have you tried changing the strange ID to the ID that you want? (e.g. 7f3b531b-f1c9-41aa-854b-37235500495f → introduction). They should be unique. I use my manually written IDs for some important headers which I want to detect from outside org. In addition there's CUSTOM_ID, but I think that's the id="…" you want in HTML exports.

El Sat, 1 Feb 2014 14:39:15 -0500 (EST) Ken Mankoff va escriure:

I've never cared that the ID field was not human friendly.

But I've just learned about the Estimate Table where you can see your estimates
and actual clock time to complete tasks. If you want to see the estimates for
the current tree, you need to know the ID, which is not human friendly.

It seems like with IDO mode, the first few characters or words of the title,
stripped of whitespace, could be pre- or ap- pended onto the ID, and then it
would be easy to select IDs. If this were how IDs were created, would this break
some other features? Do others see this as a good or bad thing? Or is there some
other way to tell the Estimate Table to work on the local tree.

