Hi everyone, Thanks for the tips in using export filters for code blocks. I thought I would share my current solution. The goal was to export all the code blocks in an org-file to files systematically named part1/script-%d.py where %d is a number. I didnot want to tangle exactly, because I wanted to avoid naming the code block tangle files. Then, I wanted to insert a pdf link that would open the file, after the syntax highlighted code. I wanted this because it is not convenient to copy and paste the syntax-highlighted code into an editor. I teach from the pdf that is generated, and it would be convenient to just open the code, edit and rerun to explore solutions. So, here is the solution: At the top of my orgfile, I have this definition which creates a pdf link. #+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\LaunchBinary}[2]{% #+LATEX_HEADER: % #1: layer name, #+LATEX_HEADER: % #2: link text #+LATEX_HEADER: \leavevmode% #+LATEX_HEADER: \pdfstartlink attr{/C [0.9 0 0] /Border [0 0 2]} user { #+LATEX_HEADER: /Subtype /Link #+LATEX_HEADER: /A << #+LATEX_HEADER: /F << #+LATEX_HEADER: /DOS (#1) #+LATEX_HEADER: >> #+LATEX_HEADER: /S /Launch #+LATEX_HEADER: >> #+LATEX_HEADER: } #2% #+LATEX_HEADER: \pdfendlink% #+LATEX_HEADER: } Then, I use the code snippet below to export the file to latex. It is stored in a noexport section at the end of the document. basically I set a counter, and wrote a filter function for src blocks. the function captures the lines between the first and last (first is \begin{minted}... and last is \end{minted} in this case. I write those lines to a file named according to the counter, and finally insert \LaunchBinary... into the string returned by the filter. everything else in this let block is just fine-tuning the latex packages, and export behavior. (let ( ;; these packages are loaded in the latex file (org-latex-default-packages-alist '(("utf8" "inputenc" nil) ("T1" "fontenc" nil) ("" "fixltx2e" nil) ("" "natbib" t) ("" "url" t) ("" "graphicx" t) ("" "textcomp" t) ("" "underscore" t) ("" "amsmath" t) ("version=3" "mhchem" t) ("tight,pdftex" "web" nil) ("" "exerquiz" nil) ("ImplMulti" "dljslib" nil) )) (async nil) (subtreep nil) (visible-only nil) (body-only nil)) (setq counter 0) (defun ox-mrkup-filter-src-block (text back-end info) (setq counter (+ counter 1)) (let ((filename (format "part1-scripts/script-%d.py" counter))) (with-temp-buffer (insert (mapconcat 'identity (butlast (cdr (split-string text "\n" t))) "\n")) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filename)) (format "%s \\LaunchBinary{%s}{Open the python script (%s).} " text filename filename))) (let ((org-export-filter-src-block-functions '(ox-mrkup-filter-src-block))) (org-latex-export-to-latex async subtreep visible-only body-only '(:with-author t :with-date t :with-title t :with-timestamps t :with-todo-keywords t :with-toc nil)))) After building the pdf with pdflatex, I get a link with a red box around it that I can click on, and on my system it opens the python file in the python editor I have configured to open the file! Thanks again! John ----------------------------------- John Kitchin Associate Professor Doherty Hall A207F Department of Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-268-7803 http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu