Hi all,

In this post, I was looking at some ways to get right clicks to do something on org-links:

I noticed some odd behavior in that the last-input-event is mouse-2 whether I press mouse-1 or mouse-2 when clicking on a link. It is also interesting the event is of type mouse-2, and not down-mouse-2.

Does anyone know if org-mode makes a mouse-1 click into a mouse-2 event somehow? Is that happening from this line

(org-defkey org-mouse-map [mouse-2] 'org-open-at-mouse)

in org.el?

Does anyone know to get something like this from the click event that occurred on the link?

(princ (read-event))
(S-down-mouse-1 (#<window 34 on blog.org> 56725 (1 . 299) -322897656 nil 56725 (0 . 18) nil (1 . 11) (8 . 16)))

that is shift-mouse-1 event.



John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213