Hello, On my mac, I have rvm installed with ruby 1.9.2 being default. On the terminal, if I execute ruby, it is always 1.9.2 version. However, the ruby ran by org-babel is 1.8 version. How can I make the ruby code blocks in my org files executed by 1.9? Since I am new to Emacs, I would appreciate your help. I found org-mode and org-babel extremely helpful in preparing course notes. That's why, in fact, I switched to Emacs. In an attempt to solve the above problem, I installed rvm.el and put it in my init.el right before loading the org-babel languages. (add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/stvharman/.emacs.d/lisp/rvm") (require 'rvm) (rvm-use-default) ;; use rvm’s default ruby for the current Emacs session (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '( (R . t) (ruby . t) )) Thank you in advance. Have a nice weekend (and week ahead), Steve