Hi all, is there any way to prevent org from converting table elements to a string when used as a variable in an octave source block? Example: I have #+name: P_C | 2/3 | 1/3 | | 1/4 | 3/4 | and I want to use that values inside an octave script, say #+BEGIN_SRC octave :exports both :results output :var PC = P_C P_C = PC; PC is a matrix of strings, namely PC=[['2/3','1/3']; ['1/4','3/4']]; evaluating PC inside octave does not help since the column field information is lost 2/3 and 1/3 are concatenated. so I want 2/3 and so on literally imported to PC (without quotes). Otherwise there might be a clever way to evaluate the expressions before importing them using elisp? Best Jan-Mark