Thanks for the help so far! :) Unfortunately I'm stuck at this system with the old emacs/org-mode version but I'm going to migrate in April anyway.

One more question, I'm trying to put latex code for Adress of recipient and so on in external files to be included

unfortunately does
#+INCLUDE: "filename.tex"

automatically escape the curlies, such that I get

\Postvermerk         \{E I N S C H R E I B E N\}

Whats the best way to avoid this? I couldn't find any documentation regarding this...


2014-03-10 14:29 GMT+01:00 Rasmus <>:

LanX <> writes:

> Have you tried ox-koma-letter.el?
> not yet, I just started recently switching back to latex and g-brief did
> what I needed for a formal german letter and I just need it once per month
> so far.

KOMA-Script has build in support for DIM.

>> #+TITLE: title
>> #+BEGIN_g-brief
>> ... here comes text
>> #+END_g-brief
> OK thanks, I take it as indication that the exporter can't be configured to
> do this implicitely...

Sure, you can make a derived class, use a filter or something else.
Ox-koma-letter is an example of a derived class for letters.  There is
also a letter exporter using groff as backend.  Note that the special
heading keywords (see the wiki) are not compatible across the two

> could you please be more specific?

It's a new and in all dimension superior export engine.  On this list
we'll generally assume you're using a recent version of Org.
Currently, this implies a version ≥ 8.

Hope it helps,

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