
Is it possible to use "#+include" from within a macro?

I have the following two files:

#+MACRO: newline    (eval "\n")
#+MACRO: module-summary ** $1 {{{newline}}}{{{newline}}}#+include: "./$1.org::file-summary"


* t2 file

#+name: file-summary
This is the file summary

This is another paragraph

If I export t1.org to org-mode, I get the following, which, if exported to any other format (I have tested HTML and Markdown), correctly includes the "file-summary" paragraph:

# Created 2018-06-27 Wed 09:26
#+AUTHOR: Zamboni Diego
#+macro: newline    (eval "\n")
#+macro: module-summary ** $1 {{{newline}}}{{{newline}}}#+include: "./$1.org::file-summary"

* t2

#+include: "./t2.org::file-summary"

However, if I export t1.org directly to HTML or Markdown, I get only the heading "* t2", but no included contents, as if the #+include line is not being processed correctly.

Any ideas if this is possible?
