I am trying to get org-caldav to work with my Owncloud which is running on a Digital Ocean server. I am getting the message org-caldav-check-connection:[server address/path_to_calendar]does not seem to accept DAV requests I suspect the issue is related to the self signed certificates on the Digital Ocean server. Which my Android devices or with Firefox I can install the self signed certificates and the Owncloud Calender syncs fine. I am not seeing a way to do that with Emacs Org-Mode. Is there a way to deal with self-signed certificates in Emacs Org with org-caldav and Owncloud? -- Regards, Paul about.me/pauljamesharper GnuPG Fingerprint: B3C2 6A80 BB3E 8D4D 126E 4FBE 5F62 4195 17D3 CB75 “Wisdom consists in being able to distinguish among dangers and make a choice of the least harmful.” — Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince “The user’s going to pick dancing pigs over security every time.” — Bruce Schneier