On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 11:30 PM cedric simon wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I work with org mode for writing all my documentation and use source code > blocks extensively. > I don't know if I found a bug or something, but I encounter a strange > behavior with SQL source blocks. > Despite the settings I apply, they are always evaluated if I have > ":exports both" set. > > I made a reproducible document, it's on gist, if you have time please have > a look: > https://gist.github.com/simonced/2a4ee29ed779a563b9fb7a9d8dcc83cf > From what I understand, the values you set in "#+PROPERTY: header-args" is not inherited further down once you use a ":header-args:" property drawer (even when org-use-property-inheritance is set to t). I made up an elaborate example and have put it up here[1], that explains when the header-args values set in #+PROPERTY or PROPERTY drawer are effective. In addition, using the org-eldoc package[2] (in Org contrib) helps a lot in seeing the effective header-args values for a given source block. Just put the cursor on the BEGIN_SRC line and you will see it all :) Example: [image: image.png] [1]: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kaushalmodi/4be9fb4e460adb197a6a23ffc3557665/raw/4fcc33641ed33141dc6e205fc2435f06ddeef4e6/header-arg-prop-inheritance.org [2]: http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/log/contrib/lisp/org-eldoc.el -- Kaushal Modi