I forgot to mention that I have this in my emacs setup related to ox-latex and minted:

           (setq org-latex-listings 'minted)

            (setq org-latex-packages-alist
                    ;; % 0 paragraph indent, adds vertical space between paragraphs
                    ;; http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Paragraph_Formatting
                    (""          "parskip")
                    ;; Code blocks syntax highlighting
                    (""          "minted") ; Comment this if org-latex-create-formula-image-program
                    ;; is set to dvipng. minted package can't be loaded
                    ;; when using dvipng to show latex previews
                    ;; (""          "minted" nil) ; Uncomment this if org-latex-create-formula-image-program
                    ;;                            ; is set to dvipng
                    ;; Graphics package for more complicated figures
                    (""          "tikz")
                    ;; Prevent tables/figures from one section to float into another section
                    ;; http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/279/how-do-i-ensure-that-figures-appear-in-the-section-theyre-associated-with
                    ("section"   "placeins")
                    ;; It doesn't seem below packages are required
                    ;; ;; Packages suggested to be added for previewing latex fragments
                    ;; ;; http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-preview.html
                    ;; ("usenames"  "color") ; HAD TO COMMENT IT OUT BECAUSE OF CLASH WITH placeins pkg
                    ("mathscr"   "eucal")
                    (""          "latexsym")
                    ;; Prevent an image from floating to a different location
                    ;; http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/8625/force-figure-placement-in-text
                    (""          "float")
                    (""          "caption")

            ;; "H" option is from the `float' package. That prevents the images from floating around.
            ;; (setq org-latex-default-figure-position "htb") ; default - figures are floating
            (setq org-latex-default-figure-position "H") ; figures are NOT floating

            ;; minted package options (applied to embedded source codes)
            ;; https://github.com/gpoore/minted
            (setq org-latex-minted-options
                    ("numbersep"   "5pt")
                    ("frame"       "none") ; box frame is created by the mdframed package
                    ("framesep"    "2mm")
                    ;; ("fontfamily"  "zi4") ; required only when using pdflatex
                                        ; instead of xelatex
                    ;; minted 2.0 specific features
                    ("breaklines") ; line wrapping within code blocks

Kaushal Modi

On Aug 4, 2015 11:30 PM, "Kaushal" <kaushal.modi@gmail.com> wrote:
I am using org-mode version 8.3 and the latest build of emacs from git master.

I am trying to make mdframed+minted work with source code blocks having captions.

The example is short; just the source code block is big so that it spans multiple pages.

I am trying to get the code block parts on each page to be completely boxed (borders on all 4 sides).
Currently only the code blocks in in-between pages gets borders only on the sides. The first part of code block on the first page gets borders on top and sides. And the last part of the code block on the last page gets borders on bottom and on sides.

Here is the generated pdf: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10985/minted-multiple-pages.pdf (You can ignore the lines crossing the borders as I will work on fixing those once I gets the borders right).

Please let me know if there is any other way to get the following using minted:
- Split code blocks on each page be completely boxed.
- The code block be captioned.
- The code block be properly listed in List of Listings
- Be able to customize the border lines, code background and line numbers.

Kaushal Modi