
I'd like to check if the current Org file has at least one subtree with a specific property (EXPORT_FILE_NAME in my case).

What's the most efficient way to do that?

Below works.. but I can see that it's not efficient.. it maps through the whole Org file:

(let ((total-valid-subtrees
       (let ((valid-subtrees (org-map-entries
                              (lambda ()
                                t) ;Return value does not matter here
                              ;; Only map through subtrees where
                              ;; EXPORT_FILE_NAME property is not
                              ;; empty.
         (safe-length valid-subtrees))))
  (if (= 0 total-valid-subtrees)
      (message "invalid")
    (message "valid")))


- How can I quit out of org-map-entries as soon as the first matching entry is found?
- What's a better way to do the same?


Kaushal Modi