On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 4:25 PM drymer wrote: > Hi > I didn't explain myself. It inserts four *, as it didn't find the > entity. I'm using emacs 24.5.3 and org-mode 8.34, which is the maint > branch. I've also tried with plain emacs without configuration. > Those emacs and org versions are fine. It could be one of two things: 1. You forgot to evaluate (advice-add 'org-self-insert-command :around #'modi/org-insert-org-entity-maybe) What do you see when you do C-h f org-self-insert-command after evaluating that whole code block? I see org-self-insert-command is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `org.el'. (org-self-insert-command N) For more information check the manuals. :before-until advice: ‘modi/org-insert-org-entity-maybe’ Like ‘self-insert-command’, use overwrite-mode for whitespace in tables. If the cursor is in a table looking at whitespace, the whitespace is overwritten, and the table is not marked as requiring realignment. The ":before-until advice: ‘modi/org-insert-org-entity-maybe’" part in there is important. Do you see the same? 2. If from above you see org-self-insert-command being advised correctly, then can you let me know what you get when you do M-: (modi/org-entity-get-name "*") You should get "ast" in return when you evaluate that. Also I am confused why you cannot recreate what I see in emacs -Q. Are you explicitly using "emacs -Q"? Note that that Q is capital (not emacs -q). -- -- Kaushal Modi