On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 3:28 PM drymer <drymer@autistici.org> wrote:

So I saw this thread (first link at the very bottom) which response was
to use a couple of functions. So the thing is that I evaluated the
functions, and supposedly it should something like \ast when executing
C-u *, but it doesn't happen. Any idea on what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks for trying that out.

So what "doesn't happen"? Do you get an error? Or do you see "\ast{}" being inserted verbatim?

If it's the former, please provide your emacs or org mode versions and the error you see.

If it's the latter, the solution is easy :). Simply add below to your config too.

(setq org-pretty-entities t)

I will update the emacs.SE solution with the same too.

Kaushal Modi