Hello, I recently came across this awesome tool call wavedrom and was taking my notes as I was following its tutorial: https://wavedrom.com/tutorial.html. In order to prevent copy/pasting the same "wavedrom snippet" in the src text block and the begin_export html block, I did the below. It works.. but I wonder if this can be made more concise by using #+call. If it's possible, what would be "called" org source block look like so that I can pass it the noweb reference string? Or .. what would be a concise way to write the below? Thanks! ===== *** Step {{{n(,1)}}}. The Signal #+begin_src text :noweb-ref wavedrom-eg-1 { signal: [{ name: "Alfa", wave: "01.zx=ud.23.45" }] } #+end_src #+begin_src org :noweb yes :exports results :results output replace ,#+begin_export html ,#+end_export #+end_src #+RESULTS: #+begin_export html #+end_export *** Step {{{n}}}. Adding Clock #+begin_src text :noweb-ref wavedrom-eg-2 { signal: [ { name: "pclk", wave: 'p.......' }, { name: "Pclk", wave: 'P.......' }, { name: "nclk", wave: 'n.......' }, { name: "Nclk", wave: 'N.......' }, {}, { name: 'clk0', wave: 'phnlPHNL' }, { name: 'clk1', wave: 'xhlhLHl.' }, { name: 'clk2', wave: 'hpHplnLn' }, { name: 'clk3', wave: 'nhNhplPl' }, { name: 'clk4', wave: 'xlh.L.Hx' }, ]} #+end_src #+begin_src org :noweb yes :exports results :results output replace ,#+begin_export html ,#+end_export #+end_src #+RESULTS: #+begin_export html #+end_export ===== -- Kaushal Modi