I prefer #+SETUPFILE because the beauty is that that option is specific to loading a common org setup file. I have my config.org beautifully organized as: ===== * Latex Setup ** Change default font Note that fontspec works with only xelatex (not pdflatex). #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec} #+LaTeX_HEADER: \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O} #+LaTeX_HEADER: \setmonofont[Scale=0.8]{Inconsolata-g} ** Sans serif fonts for section titles #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{titlesec} *** Formatting =section= titles #+LaTeX_HEADER: \titleformat{\section} #+LaTeX_HEADER: [hang] % titleformat shape #+LaTeX_HEADER: {\usefont{T1}{qhv}{b}{n}\selectfont\Large} % titleformat format "qhv" - TeX Gyre Heros, "b" - bold #+LaTeX_HEADER: {\thesection} % titleformat label #+LaTeX_HEADER: {0.6em} % titleformat separation #+LaTeX_HEADER: {} % code preceeding title body *** Formatting =subsection= titles #+LaTeX_HEADER: \titleformat{\subsection} #+LaTeX_HEADER: [hang] % titleformat shape #+LaTeX_HEADER: {\bfseries\large} % titleformat format #+LaTeX_HEADER: {\thesubsection} % titleformat label #+LaTeX_HEADER: {0.4em} % titleformat separation #+LaTeX_HEADER: {} % code preceeding title body *** TODO Look into using the =sectsty= package instead of =titlesec= because of its compatibility issues with =hyperref= [[http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/74517/52678][Reference]] ===== The awesome thing is that org will load only the "setup" stuff from a SETUPFILE file.. so it will pick up the #+LaTeX_HEADER lines from above, but not "* Latex Setup" or "** Change default font" or other things. Basically, only special comments will be read from SETUPFILE. On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:24 AM Eric S Fraga wrote: > #+include: settings.org On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 7:10 AM Xebar Saram wrote: > Ok got it, you can "source" a template file by using the SETUPFILE option > , ie; > > #+SETUPFILE: /home/zeltak/org/files/Uni/Courses/templates/ > org.options.reveal.org > -- Kaushal Modi