Hi Diego, On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:29 PM Diego Zamboni wrote: > > ox-hugo takes a different approach: it uses org-mode’s ox-markdown > exporter to produce Markdown from the org source, so that Hugo processes a > Markdown file. This makes a big difference, as each tool is processing its > own native format: org-mode processes org, and Hugo processes Markdown. > That's very well said :) > Thanks to this, you can even include Hugo shortcodes ( > https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/) in your org-mode > source, and they will be passed untouched to Hugo (this is not entirely > advisable as it makes your source Hugo-specific, but it’s doable if you > want it). > Correct. The aim of ox-hugo is to allow any Org document to be easily exportable to Hugo, while also allowing the same document to be reusable for other export formats too. So I don't recommend embedding Hugo shortcodes directly in Org files (even if they work.. not guaranteeing that such embedded Hugo shortcodes will always work). But shortcodes are still supported, though in a different style, leveraging the Org special blocks. That feature is yet undocumented. But it is fully implemented, tested (and used by me). See https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/issues/126 for more info. > Another very nice ox-hugo feature is its “One post per Org subtree” mode ( > https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/#screenshot-one-post-per-subtree), in which > you keep your entire post tree (in fact, you could keep your entire > website) in a single Org file. I was skeptical about this at first (who > wants to keep *everything* in a single file), but in practice it works very > well, and allows you to have tags/categories or other attributes per > subtree, so you don’t have to repeat them on every post. > That's the primary reason why I started working on ox-hugo. I couldn't bear the manual labor of copy/pasting/syncing of front-matter across separate Markdown files. I always suggest people to try the "per-subtree blogging flow" because Org subtree structure, property and tag inheritance so much reduce that manual effort. See here on how various properties and tags translate to Hugo front-matter -> https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/org-meta-data-to-hugo-front-matter/#for-subtree-based-exports . I also have this little annotated diagram: https://discourse-cdn-sjc2.com/standard12/uploads/gohugo/original/2X/8/8dd4af3e103c3a691a71356aa3f91bfe1019ebae.png > If you really want to keep each post in a separate file, that is doable as > well. The ox-hugo website has a lot of very useful information. > > Finally, you can do the transition gradually - for my website, I had years > of accumulated Markdown files from my adventures with Jekyll, Octopress and > later Hugo. Those are still in place, and I have started only putting my > new posts in an org file which ox-hugo processes. Since those are converted > to Markdown files, they end up alongside the old hand-crafted files, and > Hugo just processes them all together. > That too! Looks like you hit all the awesome points :) My scripter.co site source also contains of few dozen old Markdown posts. New stuff is written in Org and exported to Markdown using ox-hugo which live right along the old Markdown content... and everything just works. > I really recommend ox-hugo, Kaushal has done a fantastic job and he is > also really helpful and responsive with questions. > Thanks for this heavy recommendation. Working on this project and supporting/making it more robust based on user feedback has been great pleasure. Tip: I learned a lot by reading the source files for > https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ and for https://scripter.co/, both of which > are kept in ox-hugo structure. You can find pointers to those and some > other examples (including my own websites, zzamboni.org and cf-learn.info) > at https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/ > Yes! The list of contributors on that Real World Examples page is growing day by day. And finally, some clarification about things mentioned in other parts of this thread: - Using Hugo does *not* require you to know the Go language. You just learn the Go templating syntax. And that too, if you want to start by tweaking and designing Hugo themes. You can always pick one of the 200+ Hugo themes, and get your blog started, and then revisit writing your own theme at a later time. - It doesn't even require you to install the Go toolchain (though it's not difficult, you just unzip an archive). - "Installing" hugo is a matter of a single wget of the archive for the OS of your choice from here: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases, and then unarchiving that to somewhere in your PATH. Apart of the binary-static-ness of the hugo static site generator, another reason it appealed to me is that the Go templating syntax feels a bit /lispy/. For example, I use this: {{ $.Scratch.Set "__repo_updated_time" (index (index (index (index $repo_json "commit") "commit") "committer") "date") }} which extracts the commit date by the committer (not author) using GitHub API for the "Last updated" column on the Real World Examples page: https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/ (hopefully someone didn't think I was manually updating all those dates :P) In summary, ox-hugo allows you to use the best tools for each task: (1) content writing in Org, and (2) mass HTML/RSS/JSON/etc. generation using Hugo. The former wins in having a concise Org document where the Org features of macros, tag/property inheritance, Org babel, etc. can be leveraged. The latter wins in creating the *whole* site containing literally hundreds of pages (posts, lists, feeds, search index, JSON feeds, aliased pages, whatnot) in a matter of *a second or two*. Kaushal -- Kaushal Modi