On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:48 AM claude fuhrer <claude@fuhrer.ch> wrote:

Thank you for your advice. My emacs version is 24.3.1 (the standard version packaged with Linux Mint 17.2).

The latest stable version right now is 24.5. See if you can install it directly from the release tarball.

I will try if I can install emacs25.

The next release vesion after 24.5 is going to be 25.1. While it is not yet released, I have been using the versions built from the git emacs-25 branch and they are very stable from my experience.

Feel free to try the latest pretest as of today: http://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/pretest/emacs-25.0.95.tar.xz if building emacs locally from git is not an option. 

Kaushal Modi