I think that emails with attachments exceeding a certain size are blocked. You might want to upload your attachments somewhere else, and simply link to them in your emails sent to this list. -- Kaushal Modi On Wed, Dec 19, 2018, 9:40 AM Emmanuel Charpentier < emanuel.charpentier@gmail.com wrote: > Dear list, > > I have made five attempts in three days to post a question to this list. > Three of them may have failed due to the use of an SMTP server flagged on > one site as possible spam source. The other two has been sent via gmai. So > far, none of these message have appeared on the list, and I received no > error message. > > I know tha *some* attachments are accepted (a previous question of mine > included .tex, .pdf and .org files). However, I waonder if my mails may > have been blocked by .docx and .odt attachments. > > Could you let me know if some attachments are blocked by the list manager > or mail server ? > > Tkanks in advance, > > -- > Emmanuel Charpentier > >