On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 1:16 PM Achim Gratz <Stromeko@nexgo.de> wrote:
Bastien Guerry writes:
>> ~$ git clone git@code.orgmode.org:bzg/org-mode.git
>                ^^^
> This is for when you have an account on code.orgmode.org and want
> to clone through ssh.

Have the existing SSH keys been migrated to the new server?  Trying to
clone through this method keeps asking me for a password.

No, the keys didn't transfer. As Bastien mentioned in the original email, you need to create an account on code.orgmode.org first (pasted the instructions below):

For Org and Worg COMMITTERS

You will need to create a new user on https://code.orgmode.org in
order to push commits to org-mode.git or worg.git:

1. Create a user on https://code.orgmode.org
2. Add your ssh public key
3. Send me an email to be added as a collaborator on Org/Worg

BTW @Nicolas, Bastien: Do these instructions need to go somewhere in the Org manual too, or Worg? (and as I was framing this question, found that the Worg also needs to be updated.. it still refers to the old clone URL: https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/index.html


Kaushal Modi