* Quoting the original query: "I will be teaching singing to a mixed group using a projector. Those who can read sanskrit would be put off by the roman (English) and those who cant of course need the roman. The attached screenshot shows two emacs buffers side-by-side with the two versions. I am now exploring the possibilities of how to make a 'presentation' putting the two together. I am not too comfortable using emacs for the final show because emacs occasionally crashes -- due to non-standard fonts, input methods or what I dont know -- and I dont want this to happen in front of 50 people! Any thoughts/suggestions?" ** Ideas: I strongly suggest EMACS and learn how to use EDIFF in EMACS--its the best envirionment for translations and what you want to do--don't toss out EMACS because it crashed once: suggest you test it before the demo/presentation sing-along. *** How to stop it from crashing: Use only what is necessary to show your SANSKRIT and ENGLISH buffer: Do something like: Make 2 files with line numbers at the begin of each line: nl sanskrit-song.txt > sanskrit-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt nl english-song.txt > english-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt emacs -q -l sanskit-blah-mule-multilingual-emacs-programs-needed-to-show-sanskrit.el sanskrit-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt english-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt Mx ediff-buffers Emacs will pop-up an ediff window--put your mouse cursor on it and tap "?"--it will show you the ediff keys--"n" for "next different line" will be most helpful (ediff will ask for the 1st and 2nd buffer you want to compare--type in sanskrit-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt and english-song_line-numbers-at-front.txt --then tapping "n" (with your cursor on the popped up ediff window) goes line-by-songline in both buffers--highlighting the text for a sanskrit sing-along! ** EDIFF has a slight learning curve; but, a huge pay off.