I just updated a few hours ago with the git current version and I now get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-read-syntax "#") eval-buffer(# nil "c:/Home/.org-timestamps/CQP-org.cache" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 621 load-with-code-conversion("c:/Home/.org-timestamps/CQP-org.cache" "c:/Home/.org-timestamps/CQP-org.cache" nil nil) load("c:/Home/.org-timestamps/CQP-org.cache" nil nil t) load-file("c:/Home/.org-timestamps/CQP-org.cache") Actually, the .cache file reads : ... (puthash "c:/Home/Cours/CQP-ArTech/org/CQP-Artech-slides.org" '(:title #("CQP-ArTech Slides" 0 17 (:parent (#("CQP-ArTech Slides" 0 17 (:parent #3)))))) org-e-publish-cache) ... I guess the #3 is the culprit. Any idea what went wrong? Fabrice