I don’t think you want to do that – each backend (latex, html, etc.)
could have its own incompatible keywords.  

You are right. I was thinking of dropping them if they were unkown to the current backend,
but it is not exactly a solution.
(I’ve got a solution to this that I’ve been using for the past several
weeks, but it involves several interlocking pieces and is too messy to
be shared still.  In brief, it comprises extending the parser to handle
:keywords on a #+begin_foo line, and extending the exporter backends to
allow different types of block (definition, quote, etc.) to be formatted
using that information.  I’m busy with exams at the moment, but in a
week or so I hope to have some free time to work on it, among other
org-related projects.)

LaTeX (and worse beamer) are known to require lots of markup (sometimes more than actual text).
The real org-mode asset is to remove lots of markup.
Maybe we should just avoid to reintroduce too much of this markup, even if it is hidden in drawers and so on.

This was a general remark. I'm very interested in reading what you have been able to achieve.

My primary concern was to be able to fold the #+begin_environment and to be able to copy/paste it
without having to mark the #+attr_ previous line.

Best regards,
