2015-10-24 19:02 GMT+02:00 Eric S Fraga <e.fraga@ucl.ac.uk>:
On Saturday, 24 Oct 2015 at 13:37, Fabrice Popineau wrote:


> I find that using headers as in beamer is not pleasant (maybe that is just
> me ?)

Just to help you understand the positive aspect of headlines for
structure in beamer, the use of headlines makes it incredibly easy to
switch columns around, for instance, or to copy/move them from slide to
You are right. This needs to be put forward.
In this case, the parameter that has to be made easily editable
is the width of the column. (Thinking about a common interface for
beamer and reveal)
With respect to the HTML issue, what if you do not put blank lines
between the different bits?  The blank lines are defining paragraphs, as
far as I understand it.

It is possible to hack the reveal/html exporter.
Knowing that 


gets exported to

<div class="foo">


The macros could be defined:
#+macro: bFoo @@html:</p><div class="foo"><p>@@
#+macro: eFoo @@html:</p></div><p>@@

and this way you get spurious paragraphs, but valid html
However, I'm not sure I want to follow this path !

Best regards,
