Thanks for the confirmation. There is no problem. It was me doing it wrong. It works ok now.
I just have to chose between syntaxhighlighter, google code prettify or htmlize.
I tend to prefer htmlize (probably more flexible as I can hack elisp code)
but there is thing about using my current theme with which I'm not very comfortable.

Anyway, the more I'm using org-mode and the new exporter, the more I like it. 

Thanks for providing us with this tool.


2012/11/1 Nicolas Goaziou <>
Fabrice Popineau <> writes:

> Given the fact that '#+INCLUDE: "file" src java' is expanded into an src
> block,
> I assume that htmlize should apply there too. Am I wrong?

I think you're correct. A quick test shows me fontification is fine. Do
you have an ECM to show the problem?
