I do the same, albeit I won't qualify my setup as 'simple'.
I export all my teaching stuff, personal web page and so on from Org files, one file per 
course or topic. I export html files, reveal presentations, pdf files for exams or reference documents, 
even IPython notebooks (thanks to John Kitchin).
I haven' t found an easy way to rely on ox-publish  for subtree publishing
with this scheme where you keep everything in the same Org file.
The problem was with navigation. I use a templating system
where I compute menus and body documents that are inserted in
some html template. So I had to write all the functions that will
do this computation and resolve cross links (not yet perfect in this are).


2017-06-04 20:26 GMT+02:00 Scott Randby <srandby@gmail.com>:
On 05/31/2017 11:00 AM, Matt Price wrote:
> I'm trying to wean myself off of Wordpress for next year's teaching
> websites, and am wondering what solutions other people are using for
> turning a collection of org pages and/or subtrees into a static html
> site. I am leaning towards Hugo but honestly not for any sensible
> reason; I've seen other people use Jekyll, though the fact that Github
> doesn't support direct conversion from org-mode removes some of Jekyll's
> appeal; and I know there are a number of other solutions too.
> So, I would love to hear what you all recommend.

Maybe this is too primitive, but I keep all the content in one Org file
and export the text under each top-level headline as a single HTML page.
I use some simple macros if I need to export more than one top-level
headline. I keep the CSS code in a separate file. Keeping all the
content in one file makes it really easy to add new pages and edit old
pages. I use a preamble for site navigation.

Scott Randby

Fabrice Popineau
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