The patch to ob-scheme.el that Nick Dokos provided is working well. But another ob-scheme/geiser problem has come up. The code below #+name: letter #+header: #+begin_src scheme :exports both :session ch1 (require 2htdp/batch-io) (define (letter fst lst signature-name) (string-append (opening fst) "\n\n" (body fst lst) "\n\n" (closing signature-name))) (define (opening fst) (string-append "Dear " fst ",")) (define (body fst lst) (string-append "We have discovered that all people with the last name " "\n" lst " have won our lottery. So, " fst ", " "\n" "hurry and pick up your prize.")) (define (closing signature-name) (string-append "Sincerely," "\n\n" signature-name "\n")) #+end_src comes from How To Design Programs 2nEd, and C-c C-c "compiles" fine when geiser is set to racket (or chicken). However C- C-c-ing #+BEGIN_SRC scheme :session ch1 (write-file 'stdout (letter "Matthew" "Fisler" "Felleisen")) #+END_SRC produces #+RESULTS: : stdout . . . i,e., no formatted output in my org buffer. However then comes a geiser DBG (quasi-debug) buffer atop the racket "ch1" buffer: ;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation: racket -*- (write-file 'stdout (letter "Matthew" "Fisler" "Felleisen")) => stdout Dear Matthew, We have discovered that all people with the last name Fisler have won our lottery. So, Matthew, hurry and pick up your prize. Sincerely, Felleisen . . . so odd how this is the correct output formatting, but is not inserted into my org buffer; instead, given to me as a debug screen. Also, running this code in chicken scheme (without the racket require line, rather a (print ...) wrapped around letter's string-append form) produces the same behavior. It would seem ob-scheme and geiser aren't liking standard output printing. But then running with no require/print formatting works fine, but of course without print formatting: #+RESULTS: : "Dear Matthew,\n\nWe have discovered that all people with the last name \nFisler have won our lottery. So, Matthew, \nhurry and pick up your prize.\n\nSincerely,\n\nFelleisen\n" This isn't a huge issue, but I'd like to figure this out before I show it to my students. LB