The only way I can think of doing it is, for each completed task out of the exported file, pull up the agenda view (that corresponds to that file), find that item, and mark it as DONE.
Perhaps have this action on the opening of any file in the org-agenda-files list.
I was just hoping it might have already been done so I don't have to start from scratch, seems like a logical thing --- presumably people just manually open up the agenda view for what they've just done away from the laptop, and mark things done, again...
(Incidentally, I actually wrote this functionality years ago (and it'd also switch the next TODO task to NEXT), in a GTD library I made for myself, but recently decided to switch to org mode, as it has a ton of advantages to my simple system. I'm now seeing if I can build a GTD layer on top of org mode, to provide a kind of automatic setup for those new to org-mode, who want to use it with the GTD methodology.)