On 14 Dec 2012 01:52, "Rainer Stengele" <rainer.stengele@online.de> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I wonder how others are clocking ongoing isues, which are not really todos but more like "issues" collecting clocked time for work done regularly.
> Example: Reading mail and organising daily priorities of tasks.
> This "todo" will not finish very soon.
> I want this item to be clocked daily but do not want it to look like a standard todo.

Hi Rainer,

Why do you not want them as TODOs? I had thought I didn't but came to believe I was over-complicating things.

I have a number of daily and weekly tasks of this sort (these include your examples), and they are genuinely things I need to do :-) They have appropriate repeater cookies in the scheduled lines and it works just fine. Well enough that I've forgotten the reasons for which I resisted treating them as TODO items in the first place.


Brian vdB