I've been using an elisp function to open an encrypted file.  I borrowed this setup from, I think, Sacha Chua's blog.  It's worked unfailingly for at least a couple of years, until tonight.   I keep some sensitive information in a file, "junk.org."  when encrypted using bcrypt, the file is renamed "junk.org.bfe."

In my init files is a little function that runs bcrypt on the file, prompting for the password:

(defun open-encrypted-file (fname)
  (interactive "FFind file: \n")
  (let ((buf (create-file-buffer fname)))
     (concat "echo " (read-passwd "Decrypt password: ") " | bcrypt -o " fname)
    (set-buffer buf)

I use a file of links as a directory to some of my projects.   In this file is a headling that stores this link (an org file):

[[elisp:(open-encrypted-file "~/WB/org/junk.org.bfe")][PassWord]]

Anymore, as of today, when I try to run this link, the following is received:

" Symbol's function definition is void: org-in-clocktable-p"

I don't do anything with clocks.

Can someone suggest what might be going on?

Alan Davis