I often need to transform a table or list of values into a block of text. For example, if I have a list of 4 files that I want to generate a SQL script for.

After hunting around, this is the best I came up with:

#+name: table
| File |
| a    |
| b    |
| c    |
| d    |

#+name: template 
#+begin_src org :results verbatim :var name="abc"

CREATE TABLE $name (name varchar(100))

BULK INSERT $name FROM '\\\$name.txt' ...

#+name: apply-template 
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :var table=()
(let (result-table)
    (dolist (line (cdr table))
        (setq result-table (cons (concat "#+call: template(\"" (car line) "\") :results raw drawer") result-table)))
    (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse result-table) "\n"))

#+call: apply-template(table) :results org :exports both

#+RESULTS: apply-template(table):results org :exports both

Is there a more straightforward method to apply this type of transformation? Ideally I would skip the emacs-lisp block and use some syntax to apply a org-babel block for each row in a table.

It sounded similar to this: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/69326/focus=69340, but that didn't have a full example for me to build off of

Is there a more straightforward to accomplish this transformation?
