Hi everybody, I was wondering if there was a way to join two tables given a common column. I searched but found nothing. it would be awesome to be able to process tables in SQLITE. something like this: #+BEGIN_SRC sqlite :var a=table1 b=table2 :colnames yes select * from $a join $b using column; #+END_SRC I think it is not that hard. The infrastructure is there already. It is just a matter of creating temp tables (this is the major part missing which implies making a create statement from the table, but given that sqlite is very type agnostic, it might not be hard), load them from the CSV files the execute the block. A db parameter might be needed for a scratch database file, but it could be a temporary one if none is provided. But in the meantime, it occurred to me, it is simple in R to do the join and might be useful to others: #+BEGIN_SRC R :var a=table1 b=table2 :results value :colnames yes merge(a,b,by.x="column") #+END_SRC merge can do left joins, right joins, full joins, joins, https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/merge.html but there is nothing like the power of SQL to process tables, though. -- --dmg --- Daniel M. German http://turingmachine.org