Hi there I have been using or-sql with postgres backend for a long time. There has been one annoyance that I finally fixed. When the SQL command has an error, it simply outputs and empty table: #+begin_src sql :engine postgresql :cmdline imdb select * from abc #+end_src #+RESULTS: The error is not detected. I read the documentation of psql and the problem seems to be that psql does not return an error code by default (even with invalid commands). This can be fixed two ways: 1. add to ~/.psqlrc \set ON_ERROR_STOP on 2. By adding to the command, before it is executed by babel, this line. In non-interactive mode psql will stop in the first error with an error code and babel will catch it: psql:/tmp/babel-51865ab/sql-in-5186Wyu:1: ERROR: relation "abc" does not exist LINE 1: select * from abc ^ I am willing to implement #2, but the question is, is there a clean, easy way to do this? Any hints on how to do it? thank you very much, --daniel -- --dmg --- Daniel M. German http://turingmachine.org