Has anyone had success recently working with wide images? I have source documents and I'm trying to export to both LaTeX/PDF and HTML. Working from the manual, my image links look like this (the wide dimension becomes height when rotated): #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 9in :options angle=90 :float t [[file:./image-files/cash-flow-(monthly).jpg]] On the LaTeX/PDFs, the image is still coming out pretty small. Is there an easy way to get it to suppress the page header and ignore the top margin so I can get more room to work with? For HTML export, the image comes out wider than the screen on my MacBook 13-inch. Has anyone had success using a lightbox-style plugin with org HTML export? Ideally I wouldn't have to use image links with a "rel" tag, which would break the LaTeX images. For HTML export, does anyone have a way to automatically turn all images into lightbox-style image links that would expand to full screen on click? (Or maybe even a jQuery way to expand images on click without even using href links? But again, something that would do this to all images in the document, ideally without the need to hand-tag each image.) Thanks!